Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Frustrations of a "Single" Mommy

I feel like I haven't blogged in FOREVER! Probably because I haven't. I've been a bit crazy busy this past week. Summer finally decided to make an appearance, much to my dismay, and for some reason I always forget exactly how much I hate summer until it's here. And I'm in the throes of a perspiration-dampened, stuffy aired, constantly overheated state of discomfort. I have never wanted to wear shorts more than when I'm at work. We aren't allowed to wear shorts or capris, it has to be pants, and my legs get so warm and it is so unbelievably awful. I really, really hate summer. And I am probably going to comment on that many more times before October comes.

This last week my hubby finally started his other classes in school, so now he's on a complete "part time" load. It feels more like full time plus some to me. Whenever he's not at school, he's at work. And those rare hours that he is home, he is in the other room buried in homework. I hate this new schedule! I hardly ever see him at all, and it just sucks. We have at least 4 more years of this. I'm gonna go insane. Whenever I'm not at work, I feel like a single mom.

I'm going to stop griping for a minute here. I have good news. I may have settled on a muse that I'm going to extend into a novel. I have upwards of 40 muses to work with, but this one I've been working recently on has been magically turning out so I know what's going on and how to get there. Getting from point A to Z is never as easy as it sounds, especially when the only letters you have are E, J, Q, R, S, and X. I need all the fillers now, but I have a solid plot line. Yay me! So now I have to balance my little free time between writing, finishing the stack of books on my nightstand, and finishing the movies I borrowed from my brother's wife. I have three left, so those shouldn't take long, but the books might. Half of them are more for research rather than just straight reading. I'm a lover of Greek Mythology, and I have two kids books with great pictures about the gods and goddesses and popular stories. I was going to work on an on-going project I've been doing for about 8 years, writing down all the info I can get on Greek myths, but I think I'll just consider this a refresher course in the interim and go back to my other stuff. I also want to paint, sew, and play with my online music. I am exhausted just typing all that!

Ok, so at the moment my daughter is on a Dumbo binge. She has watched Dumbo at least 4 times today, and that is not counting the 12+ times I have turned the TV off when she left the room, only to turn it back on 10 minutes later when she re-enters the room and demands "Dubbo!". I'm kinda tired of Dumbo, I admit. I also admit that there was absolutely no point to that paragraph.

Aaaand . . . my brain has stalled. I'm laying across my bed and I want sooooo badly to just collapse and go to sleep. It is almost 8 p.m., and I want a nap. I am in so much trouble. My train of thought has left the depot. My happy meal is missing the toy. My inner library has no index! *Gasp!*

Ok, so it's after 9 now. In between the last two paragraphs, I apparently succumbed to the temptation and completely zonked out. I even had 2 text messages on my phone that I didn't even know about, and my phone beeps and vibrates every few minutes until it's answered. I was out. I didn't even hear Dumbo, for which I am grateful.

I'm leaving now. Somehow a grumpy mood has installed itself while I was sleeping, and I just found out that my husband has a test Thursday and tons of homework due inbetween now and then. So I'll be single-mommying it for the next few days. *frustrated sigh*. And by the way, I have no idea what the animal is in that picture, but that is exactly how I feel.

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